
Watch: Gov Cox hosts monthly news conference

November 18, 2021

SALT LAKE CITY (Nov. 18, 2021) — Click here to watch Gov. Cox’s monthly news conference hosted by PBS Utah.

ASL interpretation is provided.

Some highlights from this news conference include:

  • Due to high transmission levels in our state, all individuals 18+ who are fully vaccinated should consider a booster dose now.
  • 44,110 kids in Utah between the ages of 5 and 11 have received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
  • We’re offering a new grant for small businesses. To help Utah’s small businesses pay employees for time off so they can either receive a COVID-19 vaccine or recuperate if they experience side effects after their vaccination, we’ve got $500,000 available through the new Small Business Employee Vaccination Grant.
  • We’re working closely with lawmakers and @UtahDNR to create a suite of important water conservation bills.
  • We’re looking into directing funding to help address disparities in access to higher education.


