SALT LAKE CITY (April 18, 2021) — Gov. Spencer J. Cox held a ceremonial signing of the following bills:
- SB216: Modifications To Driver License Examination
- SB104: Community Health Worker Certification Process
- HB238: State Holiday Modifications
- SB58: Day Of Remembrance Observing The Incarceration Of Japanese Americans
- SCR6: Encouraging Support For Internationally Adopted Individuals
- HCR15: Concurrent Resolution Condemning Antisemitism
- SCR9: Honoring The Life And Achievements Of Helen Foster Snow
- SB28: Office Of American Indian-Alaska Native Health And Family Services
- HB163: Drivers License Testing Modifications
- HCR16: Athletes’ Right To Religious Freedom
Thank you to the Utahns who worked so hard on these bills.
You can read more about each of the bills we’ve signed here.