SALT LAKE CITY (March 16, 2021) – Today, Gov. Spencer J. Cox signed 172 bills. This brings the total number of signed pieces of legislation from the 2021 General Legislative Session to 259. Information on these bills can be found below.
HB 14 | Water Conservancy District Amendments. Handy, S. |
HB 16 | Veterans and Military Affairs Commission Amendments. Ray, P. |
HB 20 | Driving Under the Influence Sentencing Amendments. Eliason, S. |
HB 23 | Voter Referendum Amendments. Nelson, M. |
HB 24 | State Engineer Electronic Communications. Ferry, J. |
HB 25 | Mental Health Protections for First Responders. Kwan, K. |
HB 26 | 24-7 Sobriety Program Expansion. Pitcher, S. |
HB 27 | Public Information Website Modifications. Pierucci, C. |
HB 33 | Community Correctional Center Amendments. Musselman, C. |
HB 38 | School Technology Amendments. Seegmiller, T. |
HB 45 | Radon Study. Stratton, K. |
HB 47 | DUI Revisions. Eliason, S. |
HB 51 | National Guard Amendments. Peterson, V. |
HB 52 | Point of the Mountain Development Commission Act Modifications. Snow, V. |
HB 55 | Marriage Commission Amendments. Ballard, M. |
HB 56 | Intergenerational Poverty Mitigation Act Amendments. Winder, M. |
HB 57 | Armed Forces Amendments. Burton, J. |
HB 58 | Riot Amendments. Wilcox, R. |
HB 59 | Intimate Image Distribution Prohibition Revisions. Stoddard, A. |
HB 62 | Post Certification Amendments. Stoddard, A. |
HB 65 | Wildland Fire Amendments. Snider, C. |
HB 68 | Rental Expenses Disclosure Requirements. Judkins, M. |
HB 69 | Traffic Code Amendments. Musselman, C. |
HB 70 | Ballot Tracking Amendments. Johnson, Dan. |
HB 75 | Municipal Alternative Voting Methods Pilot Project Amendments. Stenquist, J. |
HB 82 | Single-family Housing Modifications. Ward, R. |
HB 84 | Use of Force Reporting Requirements. Romero, A. |
HB 85 | Controlled Substance Database Access Amendments. Hall, C. |
HB 93 | Youth Suicide Prevention Programs Amendments. King, B. |
HB 96 | Emergency Management Amendments. Harrison, S. |
HB 101 | Prohibited Persons Amendments. Stoddard, A. |
HB 102 | Contraception for Inmates. Dailey-Provost, J. |
HB 109 | Wildlife Amendments. Lyman, P. |
HB 111 | Off-highway Vehicle Amendments. Albrecht, C. |
HB 113 | Shared Medical Costs. Brammer, B. |
HB 115 | Municipal Boundary Modifications. Waldrip, S. |
HB 116 | Student Attendance Amendments. Robertson. A. |
HB 124 | Civics Education Amendments. Johnson, D. |
HB 126 | Licensing Amendments. Brammer, B. |
HB 131 | State Facility Energy Efficiency Amendments. Handy, S. |
HB 135 | Congregate Care Program Amendments. Judkins, M |
HB 137 | Intrastate Commercial Vehicle Amendments. Christofferson, K. |
HB 142 | Cyclist Traffic Amendments. Moss, C. |
HB 143 | Driver License Suspension Amendments. Maloy, C. |
HB 151 | State Infrastructure Bank Amendments. Brammer, B. |
HB 155 | Civil Commitment Amendments. Abbott, N. |
HB 156 | National Guard Pay and Benefits Amendments. Burton, J. |
HB 158 | Juvenile Interrogation Amendments. Judkins, M |
HB 159 | Higher Education Speech. Teuscher, J. |
HB 163 | Agricultural Advisory Board Amendments. Snider, C. |
HB 178 | Pharmacy Practice Modifications. Thurston, N. |
HB 179 | Private Cause of Action for Undisclosed Referral Fees. Abbot, N. |
HB 181 | Personalized Competency-based Learning. Johnson, D. |
HB 182 | Educator Hearings Amendments. Hall, C |
HB 185 | Laboratory Equipment Amendments. Lund, S. |
HB 186 | Criminal Nonsupport Amendments. Stratton, K |
HB 188 | State Stone Designation. Watkins, C. |
HB 192 | Fertility Treatment Amendments. Ward, R. |
HB 193 | Intimate Image Distribution Prohibition. Kwan, K. |
HB 195 | Vehicle, Boat, and Trailer Registration Amendments. Robertson, A. |
HB 196 | Ballot Amendments. Nelson, M. |
HB 200 | Firearm Safe Harbor Amendments. Maloy, A. |
HB 202 | Health Care Consumer Protection Act. Thurston, N. |
HB 208 | Water Quality Act Amendments. Ray, P. |
HB 211 | Initiatives and Referenda Amendments. Thurston, N. |
HB 216 | Firearms Amendments. Lisonbee, K. |
HB 219 | Inmate Phone Provider Amendments. Acton, C. |
HB 221 | Property Tax Records. Ferry, J. |
HB 222 | School Land Trust Program Amendments. Moss, J. |
HB 225 | Administrative Garnishment Order Amendments. Miles, K. |
HB 226 | Long-term Care Patient and Consumer Rights Protection. Ballard, M. |
HB 227 | Self Defense Amendments. Lisonbee, K. |
HB 228 | Jail Photo Distribution Prohibition. Stratton, K. |
HB 236 | Waste Tire Recycling Amendments. Handy, S. |
HB 237 | Lethal Force Amendments. Dailey-Provost, J. |
HB 238 | Marriage Amendments. Hall, C. |
HB 239 | Online Impersonation Prohibition. Lisonbee, K. |
HB 241 | Utah Seeds Amendments. Lund, S. |
HB 242 | Ticket Reseller Amendments. Snow, L. |
HB 243 | Privacy Protection Amendments. Gibson, F. |
HB 248 | Mental Health Support Program for First Responders. Kwan, K. |
HB 249 | Public Access to Court Records. Handy, S. |
HB 252 | State Pay Plan Amendments. Wilcox, R. |
HB 255 | Protective Order Revisions. Snow, V. |
HB 256 | County Land Use and Development Amendments. Teuscher, J. |
HB 257 | Utah State Park Amendments. Eliason, S. |
HB0259 | Lead Exposure Education and Testing Amendments. Barlow, S. |
HB 261 | Geographic Reference Center Amendments. Brooks, W. |
HB 262 | Children’s Health Insurance Amendments. Welton, D. |
HB 264 | Law Enforcement Weapons Use Amendments. Romero, A. |
HB 265 | Pharmacy Software Amendments. Lesser, R |
HB 267 | Voluntary Lethal Means Restrictions Amendments. Eliason, S. |
HB 276 | Notary Public Amendments. Nelson, M. |
HB 277 | Child Care Eligibility Amendments. Matthews, A. |
HB 278 | Name Change Process for Dixie State University. Miles, K. |
HB 282 | Right of Survivorship Amendments. Miles, K. |
HB 288 | Education and Mental Health Coordinating Council. Peterson, V. |
HB 289 | Victim Services Amendments. Lisonbee, K. |
HB 290 | Probation and Parole Amendments. Stratton, K. |
HB 291 | Residential Picketing Prohibition. Wilcox, R. |
HB 292 | Children’s Health Insurance Plan Amendments. Dunnigan, J. |
HB 293 | Open Meeting Minutes Amendments. Petersen, M. |
HB 295 | Wildlife Modifications. Snider, C. |
HB 296 | Soil Health Amendments. Ferry, J. |
HB 297 | Colorado River Amendments. Wilson, B. |
HB 301 | Domestic Violence Training Amendments. Pierucci, C |
HB 305 | Quality Growth Act. Ferry, J. |
HB 308 | Covid-19 Vaccine Amendments. Spendlove, R. |
HB 312 | State Residency Amendments. Teuscher, J. |
HB 313 | Heritage and Arts Amendments. Winder, M. |
HB 314 | Motorboat Agreements Act. Gibson, F. |
HB 316 | Common Law Marriage Amendments. Teuscher, J. |
HB 318 | Higher Education Amendments. Ballard, M. |
HB 319 | Emergency Volunteer Health Practitioners Act Amendments. Ward, R. |
SB 10 | Place Name Amendments. Iwamoto, J. |
SB 12 | Reauthorization of Administrative Rules. Anderegg, J. |
SB 14 | Driver License and State Identification Card Amendments. Harper, W. |
SB 15 | Workforce Solutions for Air Quality Amendments. McCay, D. |
SB 16 | Utah Retirement Systems Amendments. Harper, W. |
SB 17 | Criminal Code Evaluation Task Force Extension. Mayne, K. |
SB 19 | Expanded Infertility Treatment Coverage Pilot Program Amendments. Escamilla, L. |
SB 30 | Utah Commission on Aging Amendments. Iwamoto, J. |
SB 31 | Condominium and Community Association Regulation Amendments. Bramble, C. |
SB 32 | Employee Status Amendments. Bramble, C. |
SB 33 | Uniform Building Code Commission Amendments. Bramble,C. |
SB 34 | Governmental Use of Facial Recognition Technology. Thatcher, D. |
SB 38 | K-9 Policy Requirements. Thatcher, D. |
SB 40 | Storage Tanks Amendments. Hinkins, D. |
SB 45 | Higher Education Classes for Veterans. Weiler, T. |
SB 47 | Mental Health Crisis Intervention Council. Thatcher, D. |
SB 48 | State Flag Amendments. McCay, D. |
SB 50 | Juvenile Offender Penalty Amendments. Thatcher, D. |
SB 51 | Group Gang Enhancement Amendments. Thatcher, D. |
SB 53 | Behavioral Emergency Services Amendments. Thatcher, D. |
SB 57 | Executive Residence Commission Amendments. Wilson, C. |
SB 58 | Metro Township Amendments. Mayne, K. |
SB 60 | Accident Reports Amendments. Bramble, C. |
SB 63 | Caregiver Compensation Amendments. Harper, W. |
SB 64 | Domestic Violence Amendments. Iwamoto, J. |
SB 65 | Community Reinvestment Agency Amendments. Harper, W. |
SB 68 | Law Enforcement Weapons Amendments. Buxton, D. |
SB 69 | Accident Report Amendments. Weiler, T. |
SB 72 | Open and Public Meetings Amendments. Fillmore, L. |
SB 75 | Community Association Fund Amendments. Fillmore, L. |
SB 77 | Kiwanis Special Group License Plate. McKell, M. |
SB 78 | Motor Vehicle Repair Amendments. Bramble, C. |
SB 79 | Insurance Policy Notification Amendments. Harper, W. |
SB 82 | Road Usage Charge Program Special Revenue Fund. Harper, W. |
SB 83 | POLST Order Amendments, Iwamoto, J. |
SB 84 | Indigent Defense Transcripts Amendments. Weiler, T. |
SB 85 | Disinheritance Following Crimes Against Vulnerable Adults. Weiler, T. |
SB 86 | Amendments to the Price Controls During Emergencies Act. Fillmore, L. |
SB 87 | Professional Licensing Amendments. Bramble, C. |
SB 90 | Parental Defense Amendments. Harper, W. |
SB 96 | Legislative Water Development Commission Amendments. Iwamoto, J. |
SB 98 | Asset Forfeiture Amendments. Weiler, T. |
SB 99 | Child Welfare Amendments, Harper, W. |
SB 101 | Motor Vehicle Amendments. Harper, W. |
SB 102 | Peace Officer Training Qualifications Amendment, Mayne, K. |
SB 103 | Dental Hygienist Amendments. Weiler T. |
SB 105 | Indigent Defense Commission Amendments. Weiler, T. |
SB 108 | Penalty Enhancement Amendments, Weiler T. |
SB 109 | Emergency Services Amendments. Harper, W. |
SB 110 | Tax Commission Appeal Amendments. Fillmore, L. |
SB 113 | Transportation Amendments. Harper, W. |
SB 114 | Animal Chiropractic Amendments. Sandall, S. |
SB 117 | Human Smuggling Amendments. Escamilla, L. |
SB 125 | Open and Public Meetings Act Amendments. Buxton, D. |
SB 126 | Sentencing Commission Requirements. Thatcher, D. |
SB 130 | Regulation of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations. Sandall, S. |
SB 135 | Motor Vehicle Insurance Amendment. Mckell, M. |
SB 139 | Utah State Correctional Facility Operational Amendment. Owens, D. |
Read about the other bills we’ve signed here:
- March 11: 57 bills
- March 9: Four bills
- March 5: One bill
- Mar. 3: One bill.
- Feb. 25: Eight bills.
- Feb. 12: Five bills.
- Feb. 5: 10 bills.
- Jan. 22: One bill.