Utah Public Service Commission Vacancy

December 18, 2023

SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH (Dec. 18, 2023)  –  There is a vacancy on the Utah Public Service Commission due to the retirement of Chair Thad LeVar, effective January 5, 2024. 

The Public Service Commission (PSC) was established under the Public Utilities Act of 1917 to provide technical and economic regulation of the state’s public utility companies. These privately-owned but government-regulated companies provide the electricity, natural gas, telecommunication, water, and sewer systems through which utility services are delivered to Utah households and businesses. The PSC is an independent entity with a small clerical, legal, and technical advisory staff.

For information on how to apply, visit: https://boards.utah.gov/s/board-seat/a028y000001ObQlAAK/seat13287
