Dec. 16, 2022
Emma Williams
Office of the Governor
(385) 303-4383, [email protected]
Gov. Cox issues executive order to suspend propane delivery rules
SALT LAKE CITY (Dec. 16, 2022) – Gov. Spencer Cox has issued an emergency order to suspend federal regulations limiting the hours drivers can work to deliver liquid petroleum gas.
Demand for propane has spiked in Utah and neighboring states due to freezing temperatures and cold weather conditions, but federal rules limit the hours drivers can work to deliver it to stations. This order will allow more propane to be delivered in the state and region while protecting drivers.
“We’re seeing long lines at loading facilities,” Gov. Cox said. “This order will give drivers the flexibility they need to deliver propane safely and give consumers propane when they need it most.”
Executive Order 2022-007 is effective for the next 30 days. View the executive order here.