Wayne Niederhauser is a former state legislator serving in the the Utah State Senate for twelve and a half years, six of those years as Senate President. His administration was marked by a measured and collaborative approach to policy. He helped lead the State out of the Great Recession into an era of great prosperity. The focus of his efforts and leadership was centered around the need to address the challenges of Utah’s amazing growth and the need to modernize tax policy. Senator Niederhauser sponsored the very successful tax reform effort in 2007. He also led major advances in government transparency and accountability.
Outside of public service, Wayne is a Certified Public Accountant and Real Estate Broker. He received his education from Utah State University where he earned a Masters Degree in Accounting. While attending the University, he met and married his wife Melissa Barrett. They have been married for thirty nine years and have five children and two grandchildren.
His public service now consists of serving full-time as the Utah Homeless Coordinator and on the boards of several non-profit organizations. He is a member of The Board of Trustees at Utah State University and is a board member on the Olympic Legacy Foundation, Shelter the Homeless, The Utah Sports Commission, the Salt Lake City-Utah Committee for the Games (Olympics) and is the co-chair of the Utah Debate Commission.